Thursday, August 1, 2019

Notes from Everything is F***ed - Mark Manson

The uncomfortable truth is a our lives are small and inconsequential in the grand scheme of things
Our brain has both a thinking brain which is logical and a feeling brain which is emotional. Feeling brain is the driver because emotion gets us to act.
A feeling of pain opens up a moral gap. When moral gaps persist for a long time they normalize and lodge themselves inside our value hierarchy. These values form your identity. Your identity
will stay your identity until a new experience acts against it. We group with people according to their values

Religions all sell hope to the hopeless. They can be spiritual religions (outside world), idealogical religions (inside world) or interpersonal religions. Develop some rituals for the Religions
Pain is never ending, we notice the relative level of pain. If our health is good, then we notice the shoe against our leg. Basically we always sense a level of pain. If we solve all problems, we
still look for other problems.
If a parent tries to remove all problems, the kid will be disappointed for even small things.
Religions give hope and postpone the existential crisis. Hope depends on destroying the current thing. We should look beyond hope, look beyond values, we should have amor fati. or love of one's fate.
Nietzsche says man is the rope between beast and something greater. Don't hope of being better. BE better.
Kant's principle for humanity - Treat humanity not as a means but as an end. Always maintain consciousness.
Pain is the universal constant. Pain is the source of all value. To numb ourselves to pain is to numb ourselves to anything that matters in this world.
Feeling makes the world go round. Value is created by decreasing pain (innovations) or avoiding pain (diversions)
Variety is fake freedom. Commitment is freedom. Embrace the pain.
AI is the final religion and the authors hope is that we will create the AI which will supply an antidote to our uncomfortable truth which I'm not so confident about.

The way to do that is to adapt our technology for our flawed psychology rather than to exploit it. To create tools to promote greater character and maturity in our cultures than diverting us from growth
To enshrine the virtues of autonomy liberty privacy and dignity not just in our legal documents but in business models and lives
To encourage anti fragility and self imposed limitation rather than protecting everyone's feelings
To create better tools to help our thinking brain communicate with our feeling brain better to bring them in alignment. 

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